WOK is keeping records of accounts and personal information such as email, login passwords, score, chats for the purpose of gaming in the apps of the WOK ecosystem.
Currently, a WOK account is valid in WikiMaster, WikiFlip, and Quiz King and in local branches of the apps for Android and iOS devices. The purpose of keeping records of email and personal information is for the games to be valid on a social platform for knowledge. The users called WOKers shall be aware of that WOK is not selling the records to any third party or using the information gathered other than for gaming purpose and the ability to connect score results and chats to the personal WOKers benefit.
The new practice applying in EU called GDPR requires people to have their privacy and integrity. In the rare case trust in WOK platform would come to a point of anyone wanting to leave the social platform WOK: We have implemented a stronger possibility to leave than previously in order to comply with compliance to the rules set up by GDPR. Enforced in Europe in May 2018. Its a big thing for many cooperations unless you knew this.
WOK has not only made it simpler to leave as a registered member ("woker") in the social platform WOK, we have also made it simpler to use WikiMaster without register in the first place. If you are happy to enjoy the quizzes on top of Wikipedia without the need and feel of playing with others or participating in the content creation of making multiple choice questions (MCQ), quizzes with many MCQ or chat and integrate in WOK as a social platform: This is possible since version 3.25 for Android/ 2.31for iOS of WikiMaster in the early spring of 2018. This means: A normal Wikipedia search can now have quiz without.
A Non-registered woker can enjoy the questions made by the crowdsource community of WOK without going throw the process of registration. He or she can take quizzes on a single player basis but not play quizzes with others.
The process of deactivating an account in WOK or delete the account in WOK is now applicable in WikiMaster 3.28 for Google Devices and from 2.32 in AppStore
For the benefit of statistics and determine easy questions from hard, WOK is keeping the records of answers in the database without tracing to individuals.
Enjoy the Wikipedia with Quizzes.