Wikipedia changed Internet. WikiMaster will change Wikipedia

Here is some of the ads we have made for WikiMaster and WikiFlip over time. Scroll to chose your favorite. 

WikiMaster mobile app is Wikipedia + Quiz + Social Media. It aims to be the hub in the Knowledge Network we call WOK. WOK is short for World of Knowledge. 

WM ad8 En If Wikipedia change internet 480 170111

 WM ad98 En Indian girl smile phone 600 171217

 WM ad123 SW man and women drink coffee 600 1327 180115b


WM ad4 En Wikipedia is now agame 1327 170109

WM ad8 AR If Wikipedia change internet 1327 170129 
EB quote Erik Bolinder Head 180208

WM Ad32 En the best thing small 170820

WM ad6 En when fun is added 480 170111b

WM Ad13 En WikiMaster first but can we say 600 170212

WM ad14 EN Fill gaps 1327 747 170427

WM ad15 EN why not get smart 1327 747 170615f5

WM Ad29 En do you find better 600 170801

WM ad30 En square the best thing 600 170802b

WM ad34 EN cube idea small 170820

WM ad35 En square homework not boring 600 170806

WM ad36 En square the best thing 600 170806

 WM Ad37 En If wikipedia changed small 170820

WM Ad39 En the best thing 600 170808

WM Ad40 En learn about small 170820

WM ad41 En square when fun added small 170820

WM ad42 EN the best thing small 170820

WM ad43 EN the best thing small 170820

WM ad44 EN when fun is added small 170820

WM ad45 EN challenge your friends small 170820

WM ad46 EN WikiMaster is the app small 170820

WM Ad47 En what if there was small 170820

 WM ad48 EN WikiMaster is the app small 170820

WM ad49 EN join the social network small 170820

WM ad50 EN when fun is added 332 187 170823