Schedule for WikiMaster Event Lagos, Nigeria on Jan 29-31, 2018

In this article WOK and Wikipedia Nigeria User Group presents the schedule for WikiMaster Event in Lagos, Nigeria on Jan 29-31 2018 at Goethe-Institut. 

Welcome to the first Event held by World of Knowledge WOK! This page is covering the details of this event.

Please Join the Event by Submit your application here. It's Free. Please sign up soon if you are interested. Seats are limited!
We will specially welcome Wikipedia Editors, Teachers, Educators and devoted Students to this very special Event.
Places are limited and will be submitted for a review. More information s also available at,_Lagos 


WikiMaster Contest Event targets

- Focusing and develop the understanding of Wikipedia as a powerful and free for all learning tool for schools, students, teachers in Nigeria and West Africa.
- Understanding the academic value of including Wikipedia with multiple choice questions (MCQ) in the learning process of the school learning process in a rapidly changing World with Mobile Smartphone in the hands of an accelerating number of students across Africa.
- Study the global aspect of the Disruptive Education aspect taking place while the Encyclopedia is the Nr 1 School Book and Social Media is driving the lives of the youth
- Helping the schools and educational system in Nigeria to understand the power of the interaction of students learning by participating in the content creation with Wikipedia content editing as well as creating MCQs in World of Knowledge. 
- Set the foundation for a creating a driving Community of Teachers, Students and Educators in the academic use of WikiMaster and Wikipedia and 
- Learning and understanding how to use, edit and create good content for students that focus on the need for Nigeria Educational System through Wikipedia and WikiMaster 
- Learning about and be a master of the WikiMaster app in pursuit of reaching targets above
- Create >200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in WOK with aspect on Nigeria Students needs during the Event (in Workshops). 
- Initiate the WikiMaster Contest 2018 Event 

All participating delegates will get 
- Diploma for Participating signed by World of Knowledge (WOK) and Wikipedia User Group in Nigeria. (WUGN)
- a voucher and chance for getting a scholarship application to join WOK team today based in Cairo 
- a voucher and chance for joining Wikimania Conference Wikimania in Cape Town in July 
- be a part of WikiMaster Contest 2018 and chance to win prizes and honorable awards. 

Delegates are limited to 35 Seats in Goethe Institut.  Apply for tickets today

Schedule for WikiMaster Nigeria Contest 2018
Note. All below time is estimates. And the current version of this MOU is a now in beta. 


Day 1. January 29, 2018

Time 8.30- 9.30 Signup 
10.00 Opening

Session 1. Welcome

Overview of the Event
Introduction of Wikipedia Nigeria by Shola Olaniyan
World of Knowledge Erik Bolinder

(Get a full picture of Event Goals, Targets, Work Shops, Contest)
Long-term goals vs Short-term Event Goals

- All will get a Diploma participating as part of the Educational Efforts

Opening Speech by Erik Bolinder 

Some bullets
-Overview Wikipedia versus World of Knowledge
-The ambition of creating the learning tool on mobile devices
-The History for 17 years of Wikipedia. 
-The Overall Education System in need of change paving way for the Disruptive Education. 
-The World is getting better and better in many, many areas; despite We don't read that very well covered in the News
-Wikipedia video show - See YOUTUBE VIDEO 
-IT revolution vs. Educational Revolution

The Story about WOK
The Story about WikiMaster

-The mobile smartphone revolution
-The disruptive Education Revolution will occur
-Teachers involvement

All event participants will be advised to download the app WikiMaster 

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**Session 2 Introduction to WikiMaster

App demo for 50 min (See FAQ)
From bullets
-Take Questions and Challenges
-Full Wikipedia app 
-Take Challenge

Lunch with a Press Meeting

- Strategy, Efforts. Achievements
- The Nigeria Educational System today, where will it be in 2 years, 5 -10 years from now

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Session 2b Create - an introduction
What is Personal Quizzes in Quiz Store
Introduction to Create Questions
Guidelines - What is a good Multiple Choice Questions 
Main Category and Subcategories 

Session 2c. Workshop
Create a question
“Start to think what to think about”

Teachers vs Students

Explanation of the Quiz Creating process
The Community as Wikipedia with transparent
”Cousin to Wikipedia”
The power of Mass Collaboration
The explanation of value /Comparison of Wikipedia usefulness 2003 and 2017 with WOK in 2016 and 2018 almost 2 years


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Day 2. January 30, 2018

Start time at 9.30
Summary of Day 1. Target for Day 2 (and Day 3)

Session 2 Create Quizzes
The goal for Day 2 is Creation Day. 

Each team of 3-4 persons (Target 10 teams) will pic and create Questions and put a Quiz on a target group (5th grade/ 7th Grade / 9th Grade )

- Aim to have a team of 5-10 students/teachers that create questions and edit quizzes (from existing Q dB based on the Nigerian Curriculum in order to have at least 100 Pre Exam Quizzes to February 2018.
To the West Africa Curriculum so students easier can learn the knowledge there is to learn

Team Collaboration in finding the most valuable Wikipedia articles related to Nigeria Curriculum 

Lunch 12.00- 13.00. 

Afternoon session Jan 30

- Presentation of the Global WikiMaster Winners of 2017. 
 -Introduction to WikiFlip app

- Create Quizzes as Teachers and Students in WikiMaster - A guide to the Quiz Store 

- Presentation of some of the upcoming tools in WikiMaster for Teachers and Students in development during 2018 

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Day 3. January 31, 2018

Summary of Workshop during Day 2.
Targets for Teams during Day 3.
Conclusions and learnings. Feedback. 

Morning Session 

Wikipedia Day and Workshop around Questions in WOK in Collaboration. 


The goal is to create a community for Nigeria Wikipedia and WOK that will work to create relevant content for the Nigerian School Curriculum.
Given task will be handed out in order to create Nigerian Content Related Questions. 

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The WikiMaster Nigeria Contest 

Category 1. Nigeria Wikimaster 2018
Target for participants: Most WOKbits earned in Nigeria Feb 1, 2018 - 31 Dec 31, 2018.
Category 2. Content Nigeria WikiMaster 2018 
Who can join?
All event delegates in Conference in Goethe Institut who have signed up and have a ticket.
Who will win?
Depending on performance, developing, creativity and content management we will promote one or some delegates.  
Evaluation approach with for example shown effort, quality, creativity, teamwork, general knowledge, challenges and content in depth and amount of MCQ created. 
Awards will include: 
- Special Diploma for WikiMaster Lagos Event Master 2018
A jury from WOK and WUGN or Lottery if needed depending on performance during Event will decide of 
- An internship work for up to 3 months in WOK projects (and Wikipedia) 
- A scholarship of 500 USD worth to go to Wikimania Conference in Capetown, South Africa in June 2018 

Request : >10000 Wb earned during Event. All three Day. 

Overall targets include:
- Quality Questions MPQ Created proved and displayed in WOK to understood the WOK Guidelines for Create And Tagging  
- 10 Quizzes with 10 Q each to been created related to Nigeria School Curriculum


Can you attend the Conference only one day?
We see the attendees participate all three Days. Since it is a specific goal and Educational Conference but its mandatory to attend of course. 

Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

The Event will have a minimum age of 15. 

What can I bring to the event?

Mandatory is a mobile Phone = smartphone with Android or iOS Systems (Google Play and iPhone AppStore). And if possible 3G/ 4G access. Wifi will be availible at the Goethe Institut 
Or if not available a Personal Computer.

Event information: Images for Social media:

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WikiMaster link in AppStore: 
WikiMaster in Google Play