Appstore argue with WOK on change the WikiMaster app
AppStore review all update we at WOKcraft and other send before they publish. This process takes about 1-2 days. While sending the 2.25 version; AppStore rejected the upgrade. This article is about the discussion that followed.
Apple is keen on having apps that are up to standards and follow their guidelines. To ensure quality. With over a million of apps; this is a quality check that is good for all involved. As an app developer; it can, however, be a bit frustrated at times. During almost two years: We have developed and sent new updates on WikiMaster with a few rejections.
During November 2017 we argued that every single play is the first step to a challenge with another WOKer.Someone simply has to be the first to play in order for other users/ wokers/ players to play. Apple argued this was not the case. And argued the Single Play mode was behind a forced login and signup and therefore needed to be adjutsed since it was against Apple 5.11. regulations and asked us to comply. After some arguments and temporary releases for 2.26-2.28 in November and December 2017; We did change the ap in January 2018. We pivoted the idea and made something even better out of it. The Android version would also have this solution so app would still be the same in both platforms.
Here is the draft of the app WikiMaster without the login to be forced before enjoy the app;